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11 March 10:55 - Service and notifications RBG Counter Closed on Wednesday 10 March More information

Support and service calls RBG rated 9.7

The RBG had a survey conducted by research firm Telan in October 2022 to monitor the quality of its support and service calls. Telan rated its call centre service with a score of 9.7 out of 10. The RBG is very proud of this high score.

RBG scores well above average every year

According to Telan, if the score is above 8.0, you have good service. In recent years, we have always been well above score. Last year, we achieved a rating of 9.3.

RBG is committed to a customer oriented approach

This is why we spend extensive attention, time and resources on this key element. The RBG’s Customer Contacts Team aims to handle as many customer inquiries as possible right away. Rapid and effective deployment at the front end leads to fewer follow-up actions and administrative after-care at the back end.

Quality service RBG

The quality of our service can also be measured using other indicators, such as the number of complaints and appeals. Out of the total number of communications of the RBG to the client, the number of complaints is very limited. Still, however few, we review every complaint very seriously.