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24 March 15:32 - Malfunction Reminder email mistakenly sent to some residents with direct debit authorization More information

RBG sends out service emails

Today, the Regional Tax Group (RBG) sends out a service email to customers who have received a tax assessment and a demand for payment. It concerns customers whose email address is known to the RBG.

Subject: Water authority tax, the RBG will be happy to help

With this email, we remind our customers that they have to pay the water authority tax promptly. By paying within two days, they avoid a writ of execution with additional costs.

Are you having trouble paying your bills?

Let’s take a look at your situation together then. You can call us every day from 09:00 till 17:00 at telephone number 088 291 10 00. In addition to calling, you can also arrange many things online through My RBG.

For more information, go to the page Have you paid your water authority tax on time?

RBG will be sending out service emails more often

When and how often we will be sending out this type of email is as yet unknown. We are testing that at this moment. Do you want to receive service emails too? Pass on your email address through My RBG.

We never do this. Criminals regularly send fake emails about municipal and water authority taxes. This could be a reminder or a demand for payment, for example. They ask you to transfer money. Usually through a link or QR code in the email. Or they state a (foreign) bank account number. Have you received such an email? Be careful. More information about what you can do can be found on our page Phishing/fake email