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11 March 10:55 - Service and notifications RBG Counter Closed on Wednesday 10 March More information

RBG automatically adjusts the garnishment-free threshold after minimum wage/benefit increase

As of 1 January 2023, many benefits and salaries have increased. The minimum wage increased by more than 10%. This extra money should also directly reach people with debts, rather than the organisations that seized their income/benefits. This is why the RBG automatically adjusts the for these people.  This ensures the can keep more money left to live on. They and their employer/benefit agency will receive a letter accordingly in March/April.

Organisations must annually recalculate the garnishment-free threshold

This ensures that they withhold the correct annual amount from the wages or benefits. The recalculation date of organisations is . Wages and benefits have risen substantially this year. This is why we are already recalculating the garnishment-free threshold for everyone. We calculate the new garnishment-free threshold as per January 2023. This means that these people will get money back for the past few months.

Call us if you would like us to recalculate the garnishment-free threshold earlier

Do you have any questions? Or maybe you don’t want to wait for the automatic recalculation? Then contact the Collection team, telephone number 088 291 11 70. You can call us from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Ask for help if you can’t pay your bills

Do you have little or no money to make ends meet? Do you have debts? Then you can ask the municipal authorities for help. They will assist you. Or they can put you in touch with organisations that are able to help. Just visit your municipality’s website or call your municipality. Our debt restructuring page contains the phone numbers of the municipalities in our area.