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Rates Schiedam 2024

Please find below the most prevalent rates for the municipal of Schiedam.

Rates municipal of Schiedam 2024

Tax Rate
OZB property tax residential property 0.0756% van de WOZ-waarde
OZB property tax non-residential property 0.336% van de WOZ-waarde
OZB user tax non-residential property 0.221% van de WOZ-waarde
Waste disposal levy 1 person € 337.66
Waste disposal levy multiple persons € 398.79
Sewage levy for owners € 268.48
Commercial waste collection charges cat 1: average 4 bags 60 l € 468.60 ex 21% VAT
Commercial waste collection charges cat 2: average 8 bags 60 l € 937.20 ex 21% VAT
Commercial waste collection charges cat 3: average 12 bags 60 l € 1,405.80 ex 21% VAT
Commercial waste collection charges cat 4: average 16 bags 60 l € 1,559.64 ex 21% VAT
Commercial waste collection charges cat 5: average 20 bags 60 l € 1,729.68 ex 21% VAT
Dog tax per dog € 19.91