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2025 Rates Schieland

Please find below the most prevalent rates for the area of Schieland. The rates for the Water System Levy have increased more than average this year. The water board is facing rising costs. Think of costs for personnel, maintenance, procurement, materials, raw materials, and energy. All these additional costs and inflation are largely causing the rising rates.

Schieland 2025

Water system levy Rate
Uncultivated and arable land per hectare € 103.84
Built-up property % of the WOZ value 0.022%
Residents per housing unit € 147.96
Nature site per hectare €2.53
Uncultivated and arable land outside the dykes per ha € 25.96
Built-up % of the WOZ value outside the dykes 0.0055%
Water system levy roads per ha € 207.68
Water system levy roads outside the dykes per ha € 129.80
Wastewater treatment levy Rate
1 unit of pollution (1ve) € 74.85
3 units of pollution (3ve) € 224.55