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Debt collection

Did you not pay your tax-bill on time? Then there are additional costs. As a last resort, we can, for example, seize your wage / income or benefits.

Costs and collection interest

If you do not pay by the due date, you will receive the following letters:

  • Demand for payment letter € 9.-(outstanding amount lower than € 454.-) or € 21.- (assessment fee € 454 euros or more)
  • Writ of execution: the fee is at least € 53.-
  • Final notice writ: the fee is at least € 21.- (the bailiff delivers this renewed order)

In the debt-collection measures table you can see the total overview of collection measures. In addition, the RBG charges interest.

When to pay interest?

We charge interest from the first day after the last payment day. The collection interest is 4%. This percentage is calculated on the outstanding amount. We calculate the interest from the first day after your tax assessment had to be paid.

Why a Demand for payment / Writ of execution?

The RBG has sent you a Tax-bill for water board taxes and / or municipal taxes. This was not (fully) paid on time. Via My RBG you can check when the RBG sent your tax-bill and before wich date you had to pay. You can also print a duplicate tax-bill via My RBG. Individuals need DidiD for My RBG. If you do not have a DigiD yet, you can easily request one at

You can also receive a writ of execution because you have not fully paid the outstanding amount included the Demand for payment. This is the case, for example, if you have not paid the Demand for payment costs.

What is a Final notice writ?

If you do not pay a writ of execution, you will receive a “Final notice writ” as a final warning. The costs for this are € 21.-. If you do not pay this? Then the bailiff can seize your wages, benefits, bank account, personal belongings or your house. The associated costs are entirely for your account.

Claim on wage(s) income / benefits

Have you not paid your tax-bill, demand for payment, writ of execution, final notice writ and preliminary announcement of wage claim? The RBG can then proceed to a wage claim. Below you will find more information about wage claim.

Seizure-exempt threshold

What does the Seizure-exempt threshold consist of

The Seizure-exempt threshold is the part of the income that the RBG may not attach.