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Harbour dues/berthing fees

You pay for the use of municipal waters, works or facilities. The municipal authorities maintain or manage these facilities. Examples of municipal works or facilities include harbours, quays, and bridges. The municipality is responsible for these. Also, you may pay because the municipal authorities have provided a service. This includes, for example, towing ships in the harbour.

For whom?

The RBG collects two types of harbour dues.

Harbour dues for leisure vessels, recreational vessels and historical vessels

The skipper, owner or user of the vessel is liable for this tax. Or the person representing one of these persons.

Harbour dues regarding fixed berths

You pay these dues as a permit holder of a fixed berth at a quay.

How is the tax calculated?

The harbour dues for leisure vessels is measured by the length of the vessel.
The harbour dues for other vessels is measured by the surface area of the vessel. This applies to historical ships, recreational tourist vessels (commercial vessels), and leisure vessels in the water near a residence.

Is exemption possible?

No. This is not possible.