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24 March 15:32 - Malfunction Reminder email mistakenly sent to some residents with direct debit authorization More information

Fake municipal and water authority tax emails being sent

The fraud helpdesk has reported that fake emails are being sent. The email claims that a message is waiting in your MijnOverheid Message Box from the Belastingsamenwerking Gemeenten en Waterschappen (Municipalities and Water Authorities Tax Collaboration). This is an organisation that sends out the municipal and water authority taxes in Limburg. It asks you to scan a QR code to pay. Do not do this. It’s a fake email.

You might think the email has been sent by the RBG, because these are municipal and water authority taxes. It has not. We do not send out QR codes or payment links by email.

Example of the fake email

You can find an example of the fake email at Fraudehelpdesk.

Fake emails are being sent regularly

You can read more about this on our page Phishing/fake mail.