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Is your income at income support level or lower, and you have little or no savings? Then you are allowed to apply for exemption. When you get exemption, you only have to pay a part of the amount.


Want to know if you are eligible for a exemption?

When will I receive an exemption?

Conditions for exemption
  • Income at or below income support level
  • Little
  •  Not purchased or received a car or motorbike in the same year
  • The of the car / motorcycle is less than 3,350 euros
  • You do not own a home
  • You do not own a
  • Tax bill paid no longer than three months ago

How does it work

  1. You apply for exemption

  2. You do not have to send us information at this point.

    The RBG checks your information with various authorities

  3. You will receive a confirmation letter within 5 days

    Pay the amount in this confirmation letter in advance. No exemption is possible for these taxes.

  4. You will receive our decision within 2 months

    If the decision is that you are not granted exemption, the decision will state the reasons. It also tells you if there are any actions you could take.

Automatic exemption

  • Request once: by telephone or digitally.
  • Applies to all unpaid tax-bills.
  • Automatic exemption in future years. (see conditions)

Top 4 frequently asked questions
