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Call an RBG appraiser if you have any questions about the WOZ tax base

This week, you will receive your annual assessment of municipal and Water Board taxes from the RBG. The tax assessment also shows the WOZ tax base of your property.

Schedule a call appointment with an appraiser if you have any questions about the WOZ tax base

Do you have questions about your WOZ tax base? Or do you disagree with your WOZ tax base? Then schedule a call appointment with one of our appraisers. The appraiser explains how we determined the WOZ tax base. And answers your questions about the WOZ tax base. Is the WOZ tax base incorrect? Then the appraiser can often adjust this right away on the phone. Can you not find a solution with the appraiser? Or is more data needed? Then file an appeal through My RBG. Or use our appeal form WOZ

How does the RBG determine the WOZ tax base?

We compare your home with other homes that sold about a year earlier. Of course, we take into account the differences between properties. For example:

  • The size of the property
  • The total plot size
  • The state of maintenance
  • Differences in components or outbuildings (such as a dormer window, additional gazebo or canopy)
  • the type of amenities (such as bathroom and kitchen)

The WOZ page has more information on how we determine the WOZ tax base.

What homes was your home compared to and what else was included in the appraisal?

That’s all in your appraisal report. When you log in at My RBG, you will see your appraisal report. This shows the features we have taken into account. And also which homes we compared your home to.

What is the decrease in your tax assessment if your WOZ tax base falls?

You can calculate this yourself under calculate assessment. Enter a lower WOZ tax base here. You can see right away how much this will save you in property taxes and Water Board taxes.