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Table of waste water coefficients

The table of waste water coefficients is part of the Delfland Purification Levy Regulation (appendix II) and the Schieland and Krimpenerwaard Purification Levy Regulation (appendix II).

Below are the waste water coefficient table and the waste water coefficient conversion table. The conversion table shows which business units fall into which class of the waste water coefficient table. Look up the industry of your business activities and read from the table which class and coefficient applies to your company. The waste water coefficient is a number. This number is multiplied by the water use. The result is the number of pollution units.


Table of waste water coefficients

Class from – through waste water coefficient
1 0 – 0.013 0.0010
2 > 0.0013 – 0.0020 0.0016
3 > 0.0020 – 0.0031 0.0025
4 > 0.0031 – 0.0048 0.0039
5 > 0.0048 – 0.0075 0.0060
6 > 0.0075 – 0.012 0.0094
7 > 0.012 – 0.018 0.015
8 > 0.018 – 0.029 0.023
9 > 0.029 – 0.045 0.036
10 > 0.045 – 0.070 0.056
11 > 0.070 – 0.11 0.088
12 > 0.11 – 0.17 0.14
13 > 0.17 – 0.27 0.21
14 > 0.27- 0.42 0.33
15 > 0.42 0.5

Conversion table waste water coefficients

Business unit/category coefficient Class
Potato processing 0.088 11
Retirement complexes 0.023 8
Mushroom growers 0.0094 6
Chocolate and confectionery industry 0.036 9
Distilleries/bottling plants 0.036 9
Egg processing industry 0.056 10
Electrical industry 0.0060 5
Electrical industry if no degreasing and/or pickling tanks are discharged 0.0039 4
Fruit canning plants 0.0094 6
Galvanic plants, galvanic departments within metal processing and other companies 0.023 8
Galvanic plants, if process waste water is discharged and the amount used is measured separately 0.0039 4
Galvanic plants, if process waste water is discharged and the amount used is measured separately and no degreasing and/or pickling tanks are discharged 0.0025 3
Printing companies 0.023 8
Vegetable canning companies 0.023 8
Vegetable washing plants, if the waste water is discharged through a fully functional settling pit/sieve facility: 1. If there is recirculation of the washing water (dry cleaning): If the wash water is reused and only the rinse water is discharged. 0.0025 3
Vegetable washing plants, if the waste water is discharged through a fully functional settling pit/sieve facility: 2. If there is no recirculation of wash water (wet cleaning): If the wash water is not reused and both the pre-rinse and post-rinse water is discharged 0.0060 5
Vegetable washing plants, if the wash water is not discharged through a fully functional settling pit/sieve facility 0.015 7
Hospitality companies 0.023 8
Schools/clinics with full-time boarding 0.023 8
Barracks 0.023 8
Cooling water/well water 0.0010 1
Tanneries 0.015 7
Soft drinks factories 0.0094 6
Dairy farms , discharge of pre-rinse water and rinse water from milking plants 0.056 10
Dairy farms , if pre-rinse water from milk extraction plants is not discharged, but disposed of separately 0.0094 6
Metal products and machinery industry 0.0094 6
Metal products and machinery industry , if no degreasing and/or pickling tanks are discharged 0.0094 6
Metal products and machinery industry , business unit dedicated to external cleaning of ships (after application of a purification technique such as an oil separator, settling pit and sand filtration) 0.0039 4
Educational institutions 0.023 8
Fur preparation companies 0.015 7
Poultry slaughterhouses 0.056 10
Recreation businesses 0.023 8
Butcheries: butcher shop 0.023 8
Butcher shops: store with sausage making facilities 0.036 9
Butcher shops: store with sausage making and slaughtering facilities 0.036 9
Slaughterhouses 0.088 11
Snack companies 0.056 10
Textile companies 0.015 7
Barrel washers 0.33 14
Paint and printing ink plants, organic solvent-based products (no discharge from caustic baths) 0.023 8
Four and five star hotels according to the Benelux hotel classification 0.015 7
Fish processing plants: smokehouses 0.023 8
Fish processing plants: marinating plants with pre-bath discharging 0.33 14
Fish processing plants: other and/or combined activities 0.056 10
fishmongers/ambulatory trade premises 0.036 9
fishmongers/outdoor trade premises: no fully functional combination of sludge trap and grease separator in place 0.056 10
Meat processing plants 0.015 7
Laundries: Wet Laundries 0.0094 6
laundromats 0.015 7
Workshops for motor vehicles and motorbikes 0.023 8
Motor vehicle and motorbike workshops; no or inadequate remediation measures 0.088 11
Establishments exclusively for external cleaning of passenger cars and buses 0.0060 5
Hospitals, nursing homes, and psychiatric facilities 0.015 7
Dairy industry: annual supply of more than 10 million kg 0.0094 6
Dairy industry: artisanal dairy processing 0.015 7
Dairy industry: ice cream making 0.015 7
Swimming and bathing establishments 0.0039 4
Swimming and bathing establishments: parts for replenishment and filter rinsing, if the amount of water for replenishment and filter rinsing is determined separately 0.0010 1
Swimming and bathing establishments: saunas 0.0094 6
The companies or business units not listed in this table 0.023 8
Waste water from the personal care of employees working in the premises or parts of premises marked with an * in this table 0.023 8