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Tax on businesses in the Investment Zone BIZ contribution

Using BIZ funds, you jointly invest in an appealing, safe business environment. The money is spent on various things. This may include CCTV, security and shared waste collection.

For whom?

The businesses on the business estate Vijfsluizen in Schiedam.

How is the tax calculated?

You pay a share of the WOZ value. The result is the target amount agreed with the businesses.


Schiedam Rate 2025
Vijfsluizen € 0,54 per € 1.000 WOZ-value

I liquidated my business. Will I get a reduction of the tax on businesses in the investment zone (BIZ)?
No. The situation as at 1 January determines this tax for the entire tax year. Even if something changed in the course of the year, you are still required to pay for the full year.

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